Advanced Transit Dynamics announces commercial release of TrailerTail™
So What is TrailerTail™? Here are some common Questions:
Q: Does a TrailerTail™ really save fuel?
A: Yes – TrailerTail™ fuel savings have been well-proven in on-road SAE Type II third-party tests. TrailerTails™ will deliver 5.1% fuel efficiency gains at 62 mph and over 6% at 68 mph or greater. The patented TrailerTail™ design lowers vehicle fuel consumption by reducing low pressure suction drag directly behind a trailer. ATDynamics TrailerTail™ technology delivers over twice the fuel efficiency gains of any other
commercially available rear drag reduction technology.
Q: How much fuel will a TrailerTail™ save?
A: Each TrailerTail™ added to long-haul trucking operations will
deliver between $1,000 and $5,000 each year in cost savings.
(Exact fuel savings depend on mileage driven at highway speeds
and the price of diesel.)
A: TrailerTails™ will pay for themselves in less than a year for high
mileage trailers. In addition, ATDynamics has a “Fuel Savings
Leadership” plan with customized monthly payments which are less
than the monthly fuel savings from the TrailerTail™ technology. With
this payment plan, the financial benefits of retrofitting any long-haul
fleet are immediate.
Q: How does a TrailerTail™ enhance the safety and performance of a tractor-trailer?
A: Because TrailerTails™ streamline the airflow behind the trailer and minimize turbulent vortices, less hazardous road spray is created in wet weather and truck drivers notice that the backs of their trailers do not
sway as much. In addition, byeliminating suction drag at the tail of the trailer, passenger cars have less incentive to harass drivers by tailgating dangerously close to the rear of the tractor-trailers.
A: DOT federal law allows aerodynamic devices to extend up to five feet behind a trailer (23 CFR 658.16). ATDynamics will work with fleet customers to ensure that appropriate documentation from the DOT is laminated to the lower panels of all TrailerTail™ devices.
The US government, including the EPA SmartWay® program, is tremendously supportive of fleets working to reduce fuel consumption and improve national security.
Q: How do TrailerTails™ impact the loading and unloading of cargo at docking bays?
A: TrailerTail’s™ patented design allows drivers to operate swing doors normally. The devices open in six seconds, close in eight seconds, and allow drivers to swing doors around to the sides of the trailer in the usual way for full cargo access.
Q: What about rain/ice/dirt/grime?
A: TrailerTails™ streamline the airflow at the rear of vehicles – reducing the turbulent spray typically present behind directly a trailer and leading to lower snow, dirt, and grime accumulation. Any snow or ice that does gather on a TrailerTail™ can easily be removed from the mechanical parts.
Q: How long does a TrailerTail™ installation take?
A: TrailerTails™ are being designed to require two people two hours to install. ATDynamics is working with fleet partners to develop custom installation plans to ensure simplicity and least cost.
Q: How much of an impact will TrailerTails™ have on reducing CO2 emissions in the trucking industry?
A: For every trailer streamlined with a TrailerTail™, over 3 tons less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere each year. The emissions savings from two TrailerTails™ is greater than the carbon dioxide the average passenger car burns in an entire year
Q: How much will TrailerTails™ save in fuel costs to truckers?
A: Please use the following Table to calculate savings
A: TrailerTail™ is commercially available for select long-haul fleets in 2008.
Contact or call directly at 1-888-ATD-TAIL for the latest info...